War Dogs Bourbon & Cigars is an artisan cigar company in Panhandle, FL. The team provides a range of immaculately crafted, hand-rolled cigars, perfect for wedding favors and gifts for your wedding party. War Dogs believe that each cigar tells a story, they are passionate about ensuring the highest-quality ingredients in each product.
The company was founded by veterans who bring the same passion, discipline, and commitment to crafting cigars as they did to their service. Each product is a testament to the enduring spirit and camaraderie they experienced in the army. With this unique meaning, War Dogs provides the ideal gifts to honor the love and friendship you have with your wedding party and guests.
Each cigar produced by War Dogs Bourbon & Cigars is hand-rolled, using high-grade tobacco sourced from all corners of the world. The team is dedicated to ensuring rich flavors and smooth draws. Along with cigars, they stock a range of apparel and home goods designed with their unique branding. For your big day, they create custom labeling, allowing you to match the cigars to the theme of your wedding. Entertainment options are also available. The team provides live rolling demonstrations, getting you and your guests involved in producing their decadent products.