A Casual Wedding at Chandler's Gardens in Celina, Texas

One night, Ashley Stolte (20 and a single family coordinator) lay frustrated on her roommate’s bed feeling as though she would never meet the man she would marry. Her roommate asked what qualities Ashley was looking for in a husband, and as Ashley listed them, her roommate realized her friend from Bible College, Robby Stolte (23 and in home security) was the perfect match. She texted him and said “Robby, I know who you are going to marry!” initiating a correspondence between Ashley and Robby that would eventually bring them together. On one of the couple’s fancy date nights, the restaurant brought out Ashley’s plate with a princess cut diamond ring planted in the center, to which she muddled out a “Yes!” The couple got married at Chandler’s Gardens, a tree farm in Celina, Texas with a romantic rose garden. They achieved a country rustic wedding with a color palette of grays and pastel pinks and handmade decorations utilizing burlap, lace and pearls. The couple had yard games such as cricket, ladder ball, a bean bag toss, horseshoes and more for their guests to enjoy, and to keep it country, dinner included true Texas barbecue. The bride’s favorite part of the day was the ceremony. “It was exactly how I wanted it to be. Very intimate and beautiful.”