Glamorous Place Setting with Black-and-White Stripe Napkin
Glamorous Bride and Groom outside Baltimore's Peabody Library
Graphic Black-and-White Invitations with Stripe Envelope Liner
Black-and-White Striped Escort Card Table with Cherry Blossoms Arrangement
Glamorous Bride and Groom at Baltimore's George Peabody Library
Romantic Bouquet with Blush Garden Roses, Anemones and Ranunculus
Simple White Anemone and Ranunculus Boutonnieres
Glamorous Reception at Baltimore's George Peabody Library
Wedding Cake with Eiffel Tower Cake Topper and Cherry Blossoms
Paris-Inspired Cocktail Hour with Mime
Chic Chanel-Inspired Table Number
French Croquembouche Dessert