We're beyond thrilled to be married in our church in Gleba B, Campinas! Jessica was a part of the church plant when she was a kid and grew up in the church. Nate has had a heart for this community ever since he first came to Brazil in 2010. We both serve together here in the children's ministry, and over the years we've seen how difficult it is to talk to the children about their futures and their future families as many of them come from very broken homes and have a distorted view on what it means to be a husband or wife, father or mother. Sadly, it's common for the mom's current boyfriend living in the home to be called her "husband", and the concept of commitment and marriage is lost on the kids. Many of the little girls say they want to grow up and be mothers, but that they don't want a husband because "it's bad and I don't want it." The kids often are encouraged to start dating and explore their sexuality when they're 12 years old. We've talked very openly to all the kids throughout our relationship about how we're talking and praying about marriage together, how we stay at our separate homes, and how we practically go about honoring God and each other throughout the different stages of friendship, courtship, engagement, then marriage. It's very important to us that the kids be a part of our marriage ceremony and witness the commitment we make to God, our church community and each other. We're going to also invite the families of the children in our church, as most of the kids come on their own and unaccompanied, as an opportunity for them to hear the gospel and for the kids to begin to grasp the significance of Christ being the bridegroom and the Church being His bride. Please pray that God move in the hearts of the kids and families who are with us on that day so that our wedding can go beyond us and be used for His glory and kingdom.
We're working on transmitting this ceremony live, and closer to the date we'll (hopefully!) post a link here and on facebook so that ALL of our friends and family around the world can be a part!
This is the day the wedding festivities will conclude with a small, intimate wedding ceremony in English for the family. It'll be a special time where we can talk, laugh, eat, spend time with and enjoy each other together and celebrate our marriage and the union of families and close friends before they return home to the States and we go on to be husband and wife.
Even though we'll remember May 30th as our anniversary, we're SO excited to have our big church wedding in Portuguese two days before on Sunday, May 28th! Scroll on down to read all about it!
Date in October/November 2017 to be determined!
We're praying for God to open doors for us financially to be able to visit our churches in the Fall of 2017. We love our prayer partners and church family and a visit is long overdue. We also would like to schedule a reception in Florida for our family and friends who will not be able to be with us in May. When we have a date and location we'll announce and make sure everyone knows because we'd love for you to celebrate with us!