The late Tim Keller once said “to be loved, but not known, is comforting, but superficial. To be known, and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known, and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything”.
We believe marriage is a lifelong journey of becoming one flesh, both fully known and fully loved. Where husband and wife help each other grow into the people God designed them to become – creating a foundation of stability, love, and compassion.
This will be one of the most beautiful and rewarding experiences either of us will ever have and we are excited to begin the journey together. We hope that you will join in our wedding as well as our marriage.
Tim & Courtney
We love your children, but due to limited capacity we are not able to accommodate kiddos.
Plus One's
We want this to be an intimate day with family and friends so we kindly ask that you do not bring any additional guests other than who is listed on your invite.
We can’t share the music yet, but all we ask is that you’re ready, willing and able to dance the night away!