To be added....
Some fun things to know about us:
Who is the better cook?
Both Alan and Hannah are excellent chefs and enjoy making delicious dishes together that they both can enjoy. Each have their own specialties, for Alan it's a delicious vegan/gluten free flat burrito. Hannah loves making meatloaf and quiche both gluten free and vegan.
Who takes out the trash:
Alan always remembers trash day and is amazing at lifting all those heavy bags.
Who does the dishes:
Both pitch in to help. sometimes we try to do the dishes if the other person cooked.
Who was the first to say I love you:
Who is funnier:
Hannah adores Alan's "dad joke" humor.
What are our favorite hobbies:
Going on cruises
Cooking together
Serving people together- especially through Alan's non-profit the burrito project
Hanging out with family
Bringing people joy