Jenni G Jewelry is a stunning jeweler in Pittsburgh PA, specializing in creating unique, beautiful wedding/ bridal accessories. Our biggest hit and service we specialize in is Permanent Jewelry! We offer these services at wedding receptions, bridal parties, bachelorette parties and more! Are you interested in having us at your wedding reception or in the bridal suite during hair and make up?!
Jenni G Jewelry is a jewelry line captivated and created purely from my forever love for jewelry and always being extra ever since I was a little girl. When I was 16, my mom gave me this beautiful gold amethyst ring that had been passed down from my great great grandmother. I’ve been wearing it everyday since and it serves as an inspiration that reminds me of the power that jewelry holds and the connections it can create between people. My current passion in jewelry is PERMANENT JEWELRY. I love this current trend and I hope it never goes away!
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