Maplewood Sweets LLC is a wedding favor specialist based in Dallas, TX. They offer exquisite maple syrup wedding favors as a unique and heartfelt way to express gratitude to your guests.
At Maplewood Sweets LLC, their beautifully packaged syrup is the perfect blend of taste and elegance, complementing any wedding theme. Whether you prefer a rustic charm or a sophisticated style, they can customize your order to match your special day. Let Maplewood Sweets create lasting memories for your guests with our delightful maple syrup favors.
Maplewood Sweets LLC offers customizable maple syrup favors. The syrup also features high-quality packaging and makes unique, memorable and sweet gifts for your guests.
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5/05/2024 • Ruth G
Everyone was very happy with their maple syrup wedding favors. They appreciated that they were a usable gift, and who doesn't love maple syrup?!
The out of town guests who don't have regular access to maple syrup were especially grateful.
The favors were of great quality and decorated beautifully to match the wedding colors.
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20322 County Route 63, Watertown, NY | Customers anywhere in the continental US
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