Based out of Fairburn, GA, 29Thirty Inc is a wedding gift and favor specialist. They help unleash your creativity with bespoke fragrance crafting experiences. Whether you’re planning a pre-wedding shower, a bachelorette party, or simply a gathering of friends, their workshops offer a truly unforgettable experience.
With 29Thirty Inc, you can indulge in a world of over 100 premium fragrances meticulously curated to inspire your unique scent story. From the cozy warmth of cinnamon spice to the refreshing allure of citrus, their diverse range of fragrances caters to every preference. You and your loved ones can explore their extensive fragrance library and create personalized scents that reflect your unique style. Their skilled artisans are there to guide you through the process, ensuring you leave with cherished handmade treasures and unforgettable memories.
29Thirty Inc also offers expert-led sessions in candle making, body butter, and body scrub crafting that will delight your guests. Beyond their workshops, their handcrafted products also make perfect wedding favors or gifts for your wedding party.
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