Allagash Brewing Company is an independent craft brewery and venue in Portland, ME, hosting wedding rehearsal dinners, showers, and parties. This setting has industrial decor and aged barrels, creating a remarkable atmosphere for celebrations. You can make this the backdrop for a fun and memorable occasion.
Allagash Brewing Company has several brewery spaces in which to host your festivities seven days a week. These include the Cellars and the Brewhouse areas. Movable seating and audio-visual equipment make these spaces flexible and inviting for a variety of event layouts and styles.
Allagash Brewing Company is available to book for all sorts of steps on your wedding journey, including your engagement party, showers, pre-wedding parties, rehearsal dinner, welcome party, wedding, and after-party. During any of these occasions, you and your guests may sip on house beers such as Allagash White, this venue's award-winning wheat beer. You can taste the Belgian influence in each drop.
Brewery & Distillery
Venue Service Offerings
Bar & Drinks
Service Staff
Wedding Activities
Getting Engaged
Engagement Party
Rehearsals & Parties
After Party
Bachelor Party
Bachelorette Party
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Portland, Maine, Portland, ME
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