Based out of Salinas, CA, Aralee Styles is a beauty practice that offers wedding hair & makeup services. Kennia Aralee owns and operates this business. You may call on this licensed professional to help create the look that you desire on your wedding day.
Kennia has earned her certification as a cosmologist. The ethos of this skilled artist is to help nearly weds to radiant confidence on their special day. Through Aralee Styles, this professional will provide her creativity, speed, and reliability to make your wedding look come together.
Aralee Styles offers a wide variety of hairstyles for your special day. Wedding service with Kennia begins with a consultation so that she may fully understand your needs and expectations. This talented artist can provide you with classic Hollywood waves, modern styles, boho looks, half-up hair, updos, ponytails, braids, and more. Kennia will work to enhance and showcase your natural beauty in the style that you want.
Business Attributes
Hispanic or Latinx-owned Business
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