Go Confidently Services is a bilingual Wedding Officiant business located in Vernon Rockville in Hartford, CT. Owned by Julie, she caters to all types of ceremonies, including non-religious, interfaith, and vow renewal.
Julie is proud to say that Go Confidently serves and supports couples of all orientations and backgrounds, including LGBTQ couples. Love knows no boundaries, and Julie is here to honor and celebrate your personal love story. Julie's kind and bubbly persona will endear her to your guests as she crafts an unforgettable and personalized ceremony. Julie is conscious that a big party is happening afterward, so she will style her sermon to last 30-60 minutes. After all, it is your wedding day, so she can adapt to make it shorter should you wish.
Julie speaks fluent Spanish as well as English. She is happy to officiate a ceremony in either tongue or a combination of both. Go Confidently Services also offers a premarital service to prepare you and your partner for your special day.
Business Attributes
Hispanic or Latinx-owned Business
Ceremony Types
Civil Union
Commitment Ceremony
Interfaith Ceremony
Non-Religious Ceremony
Religious Ceremony
Second Wedding
Se Habla Español
Religious Affiliations
Wedding Activities
Premarital Counseling
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