We specialize in custom heirloom redesigns for your wedding day. Take that sentimental family heirloom that you never wear and redesign it into a piece you can enjoy on your wedding day and for years to come. We also offer an array of customizable jewelry for you and your wedding party. With hundreds of enamel colors and gemstone combinations to choose from, we can create a custom jewelry look for your entire wedding party! These special gifts can be worn and cherished by everyone, even after the big day!
Hidden Gem Jewelry Lab is a wedding jewelry manufacturer in West Palm Beach, FL.
Engagement Rings
Ring Services
Custom Designs
Wedding Rings
Wedding Jewelry
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We are a husband and wife team who after years on being in the jewelry business decided to enter the bridal world while we were planning our own wedding! We realized that the services we offer of heirloom redesigns and customizable jewelry would transition seamlessly to the wedding world! We can help you turn something old such as a family heirloom, into something new for your wedding. We can also help you affordably customize the look of your wedding party by handcrafting pieces they will cherish for a lifetime! Let us help you bring your design ideas to life!
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