Minnesota Tunes is a wedding DJ company based out of Elk River, MN. This business specializes in wedding entertainment and putting a smile on your guests' faces.
Minnesota Tunes brings a personal touch and attention to detail to every event as they focus on the married couples' tastes and preferences. The team offers mobile DJ consultations, personalized music sets, lighting, and even a photo booth; they ensure a tailored experience. With their extensive music collection and professional MC services, they set the stage for a memorable event.
Minnesota Tunes proudly serves engaged couples, school event organizers, party planners, and more. Contact the team today to discuss your event requirements, and let Minnesota Tunes elevate your event with the perfect soundtrack. Reach out to the team at Minnesota Tunes for a complete list of their services.
Audio/Visual Equipment
Sound Equipment
Music Genres
Music Services
MC Services
Sound Equipment
Wedding Activities
Rehearsals & Parties
After Party
After Party
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