Sugar Magnolia Bistro & Bar is a premier wedding catering company in Statesboro, Georgia. Their expert culinary team members dedicate themselves to providing exceptional cuisine for weddings and milestone events. They prepare their meals from scratch using top-quality local ingredients, serving them fresh and made-to-order for your special day. To complement your menu, they also offer a full bar service with a fine selection of wines, beers, and cocktails. Their experienced bartenders can also create a signature cocktail to honor your event.
Contact Sugar Magnolia to start planning your wedding menu. They work collaboratively with couples to curate a selection of dishes that suit your needs and budget. Their delicious, seasonally-inspired dinner courses and appetizers can be served plated or buffet style, depending on your preferences. Whether you’re a fan of fine dining or rustic bistro cuisine, these dedicated chefs will work tirelessly to match your tastes and exceed your expectations.
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Woman-owned Business
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