I was super excited that I found this place with it being right down the road from our hotel venue. The trial went okay, and I had planned on having both my hair and makeup done. After I got home from the trial my face was orange from what ever product the makeup artist used. Each time someone saw the pictures of my trial their first comment was "oh my gosh, you look like an oompa loompa!!" Needless to say, I changed my mind and decided to do my own makeup.
The morning of the wedding when my bridal party and I got there, I informed them that I would be doing my own makeup, to which the entire attitude of the people working with us changed. I didn't try to screw anyone by not calling before, and given that the trial was only 2 weeks before the wedding, I simply forgot to call before hand. Every single one of my bridesmaids with the exception of 2, myself included, had to redo our hair after the appt!! We spent money and time only to have to do it AGAIN back at the hotel!! Then on top of that, 3 of my girls and my mom didn't even get the hairstyle they wanted!! The woman doing my moms hair was unbelievable and shouldn't be allowed near any other human beings! My mom has a perm, and requested that her hair simply be pinned up in an undo. This woman decides to start ripping a brush through my moms hair and then gets frustrated and throws the brush to another stylist and says "good luck". What the hell kind of service is that?!?! My mom was in tears!!! They ended up straightening her perm and then curling it with a curling iron. WTF?!?! Every person I talk to about the wedding I've made sure to tell them about our hellish service. My maid of honor ended up redoing her makeup before the ceremony. SO if you want to end up spending a bunch of money only to have to go and redo the crappy hair and makeup yourself...go for it.