Operating out of Lincoln, MA, Doherty's Garage, Inc. is a wedding transportation service that can get you and your loved ones where you need to go on your big day. This company's impressive fleet of school buses are the perfect way to add a little fun and nostalgia to your celebration. With experienced, top-of-the-line drivers on hand to ensure everyone gets to your event safely and on time, you can travel to the beginning of your next chapter in comfort and security with Doherty's Garage, Inc.
Doherty's Garage is the true definition of a family-owned business, having begun in 1905 when Matthew Doherty set up a buggy taxi service in Lincoln. The family's passion for transportation has remained with future generations, and today, Matthew's grandchildren are still running the business. The team strives to take a sustainable approach to their work, sourcing alternative fuel options and new motoring technology to ensure that Doherty's can continue to be part of client's most precious moments for generations to come.
Doherty's yellow school buses can transport you and your wedding party or act as guest shuttles on your big day. Flexible packages are available, which can include everything from a one-way trip to your ceremony or reception to full-day event transport across multiple locations. The team would love to meet you and discuss how they can be part of your journey to happily ever after.
Business Attributes
Woman-owned Business
Shuttle Service
Wedding Activities
Rehearsals & Parties
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Lincoln, MA | Our buses travel all over New England!
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