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Ivy Jacobson

Wedding Planning and Bridal Fashion Expert
  • Ivy Jacobson Ford is an Executive Editor for ThePioneerWoman.com.
  • Ivy is an editorial strategist with over 10 years of experience creating lifestyle and commerce content.
  • Ivy worked for The Knot from 2014 to 2019.

Ivy Jacobson is an editorial strategist with over a decade of experience in the lifestyle content and commerce space, and completing interviews as a brand spokesperson. Ivy’s original reporting and interviews have been featured on outlets like ABC News, CBS News, CNBC, Bloomberg, AP, The Huffington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian, People, Us Weekly, Yahoo, MSN, Newsday, and more. Ivy worked for The Knot for over five years before transitioning to Hearst Magazines. Ivy is currently an Executive Editor for ThePioneerWoman.com.


While working toward her master’s degree in Publishing at Pace University, Ivy freelanced as a writer and editor. Ivy completed projects for brands like Bustle, The Literary Group International, and Macmillan. Ivy also took on an Editorial Assistant role with AOL’s Patch.com. Ivy later started working for Penske Media Corporation as an Editor for Hollywood Life. From 2014 to 2019, Ivy worked in editorial positions for The Knot. She started as an Assistant Editor and was promoted to Digital Editor and Senior Digital Editor over time. Before entering her current position as an Executive Editor for ThePioneerWoman.com, Ivy worked as a Deputy Editor for CountryLiving.com.

Ivy has served as a Pace University Adjunct Professor since August 2020.


Ivy has a master’s degree in Publishing from Pace University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Editing, Writing, and Media from Florida State University.