The Best Wedding Vows Template & 22 Questions to Help Personalize Them

Say goodbye to writer’s block.
Groom holding vows
Photo: Lauren Mihae Photography
chapelle johnson the knot associate editor
Chapelle Johnson
chapelle johnson the knot associate editor
Chapelle Johnson
Associate Editor
  • Chapelle writes articles for The Knot Worldwide. She covers all things wedding-related and has a personal interest in covering traditions and history.
  • Before joining The Knot Worldwide, Chapelle was an editorial intern for Subvrt Magazine.
  • Chapelle has a degree in English writing from Loyola University New Orleans.
Updated Sep 27, 2023

Let's guess. You thought writing your vows would take an easy, breezy, beautiful half hour, but instead, you've been staring at a blank page for two hours. (You can stop looking around. We aren't surveilling you, we've just been in the game awhile.) A wedding vows template definitely helps with the writing process, so if you didn't have one at first, don't beat yourself up. You're not the first person to struggle with transforming life-altering emotions into succinct, coherent words.

But forget your temporary inability to write passionate words about your future spouse, we have just what you need. Find inspiration using the wedding vow outline, template and list of questions we created below to make your affirmations special. Once you get a little rhythm going, you'll have plenty of deep, funny and personalized vows finished in no time, we pinky promise.

In this article:

    Wedding Vow Outline

    Figuring out how to write down all your feelings about your soon-to-be spouse can feel like a daunting task—there are so many things to say. That's why we asked Katelyn Peterson, a professional vow writer and owner of Katelyn's Wedding Words, to create an outline (written below) for couples to follow.

    1. Start by detailing a specific memory that brought you to this moment. For example, it could be the first time you met, your first date or your first impression.
    2. Communicate traits you admire about your partner and qualities you appreciate about your relationship.
    3. List specific promises. Promises are what make vows. Be sure to include three to six. And feel free to vary the tone between sweet and serious and playful and funny.
    4. State why you're excited about your future.
    5. Close with a loving last line.

    Here is the super simplified printable wedding vows outline too.

    Printable wedding vow template
    Design: Tiana Crispino

    Printable Vow Template

    Want a fun way to write your wedding vows? Try this Mad Libs-style personal vows template to help get you started on the right path. Feel free to add silly words at first to put you in a more relaxed mood. After, take some time to fill in the blanks with everything unique to your and your future spouse's relationship. We guarantee no two wedding vow templates will look the same.

    Printable wedding vow template
    Design: Tiana Crispino

    Questions to Help Guide Your Personal Vows

    Yes, we did create an easy wedding vow format for you but don't forget to be yourself in your speech. Peterson agrees and wants to-be-weds to remember "to write in your own voice so your personality comes through." So as inspiration and to make you feel like you're not writing from scratch, here are 22 questions to ask yourself while writing your vows.

    1. What is the tone or vibe you want your vows to have?

    "This is a great question to ask before you even start writing as it determines the direction you take," Peterson says. Do you want your vows to be silly, serious or hybrid? Answer this question, and writing your vows will be a little easier.

    2. What did you think about when you first met?

    When it comes to love stories, there's no better place to start than at the beginning. Describing how you first met and what went through your head at that moment is a tale your loved ones (and partner) will love hearing about on your special day.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: When we met at __________, I thought/knew __________.

    3. When did you first fall in love?

    Was it when they brought your grandmother flowers on her birthday, surprised you with a home-cooked dinner after a tough day at work or watched your favorite movie with you for the hundredth time? When you realized this was the big L-O-V-E, did you feel struck with a lightning bolt or like you were being covered with a warm blanket? The more detail you can provide, the more touching and meaningful the story. "This question will help you come up with your introduction," Peterson adds.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: I knew I was in love when ____________.

    Find your kind of venue

    From barns to ballrooms, discover reception venues that feel like you.

    4. How has your partner inspired you?

    "This will provide material for traits you admire about them," Peterson notes. Is there something about your partner you like that makes you want to improve something in yourself? What do you most respect about your partner? Put everything you can think of in your personal wedding vow template.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: Your ability/willingness to ___________ has shown me how to be___________.

    5. Why are you entering the bond of marriage?

    Think about why marrying your partner is so special. You may be surprised how the answer to this question leads you to the perfect words.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: To me, marriage is ___________. With you, it's ___________.

    6. How has your view of the world changed since meeting them?

    Finding the right person can expand how you see everything and everyone around you. Since you've met and fallen in love, think about what experiences you've shared that changed your worldview.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: Because of you, I see the world __________.

    7. What about them do you miss when you're apart?

    There's often something simple about a loved one we miss when they aren't around. This may be a smile, a gentle touch or an act of kindness, like when your partner brings you a cup of coffee every morning.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: When we are apart, I miss __________.

    8. How do you envision your future?

    "When you imagine your life together, you create a goal in your vows that you want to work toward achieving," Peterson says. Go beyond thinking, "Happily married in a big house." What are your long-term hopes, dreams and goals? And remember, it could be as simple as enjoying the sunset on a pair of Adirondack chairs or as deep as being there for each other when times get tough.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: I can't wait to __________with you.

    9. What will keep your marriage strong?

    No matter how many personalized wedding vows templates you see, there will always be a point where you have to get serious and think about how you will contribute to making the marriage strong. Dig deep and find the bedrock of your relationship.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: I know that even when life gets hard, you and I will __________ because __________.

    10. Is there a line from a movie, television show, song or poem that says it all?

    It's definitely okay to borrow song lyrics, wedding movie quotes, wedding vow poems and steal a line or two from your favorite television show as long as it's not too much of a cliche. Modify something familiar to personalize it.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: Whenever I see you ________, I think, "God only knows what I'd be without you."

    11. What funny or touching experience put your partner in a new light?

    No matter how many personalized wedding vows templates you see, there will always be a point where you have to get serious and think about how you will contribute to making the marriage strong. Dig deep and find the bedrock of your relationship.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: I know that even when life gets hard, you and I will __________ because __________.

    12. What goals and values do you both have?

    Stating your common bond may expose your inner Wordsworth. These ties, whether it's your shared faith or your mutual love of traveling abroad, will help demonstrate why you're a perfect pair.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: We share ___________, so together we can ___________.

    13. How has your partner changed you for the better?

    Most individuals try to choose a partner who improves their inner self. Has your soon-to-be spouse taught you to be kinder or more considerate, helped you develop a new skill or talent or inspired you to speak out more for yourself or on behalf of others?

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: Before I met you, I ___________. Now I ___________.

    14. How will you change together?

    Most likely, you know what your and your partner's goals are. Think about the steps both of you will need to take to reach them as a team.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: I look forward to ___________ as we __________.

    15. What metaphor or simile would capture your love?

    You might laugh because this can feel a little corny, but it definitely helps if you feel stuck during the writing process. Brainstorm things that describe or define your love.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: Our love is like a ___________ because it ___________.

    16. What promise can you make to solidify and encapsulate your devotion?

    Here's another opportunity to personalize your wedding vows template. So many couples pledge their endless love, but how many promise to take the dog out in the morning, even in the snow, or to always pause the television show they're watching while their partner gets up for a glass of water?

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: I promise to always ___________.

    17. What do you expect out of married life?

    Defining your expectations will help you make and keep promises. Think about your dreams and what you'll have to vow to do to make them come true.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: I know our marriage will ___________ and I vow to ___________.

    18. What words do you associate with love?

    Make a list of romantic terms that way you can avoid overusing the word "love." Too much repetition can dilute its power.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: My devotion/adoration/passion for you is ___________.

    19. What are you most looking forward to about married life?

    The wedding is just the beginning of an amazing journey. Maybe you can't wait to raise a family with your partner. Or you're psyched to have a built-in plus-one (that you're totally in love with) for the rest of your life. Be funny, be sentimental, but no matter what you do, say whatever feels right.

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: I look forward to ___________ as we embark on ___________.

    20. Do parts of the traditional vows resonate with you?

    Maybe you're not about that whole "obey" part. So why not go with love, cherish and [insert the third vow here] for your speech?

    Fill-in-the-Blank Template: I promise to cherish and honor you ____________, (but add a time frame and funny reference for levity) all the days of my life, especially when curled up on the couch with takeout.

    21. How long are my vows?

    "This is a question you should not only ask yourself, but you should also ask your fiancé(e). Ensure you're aligned on the length so that one of your vows isn't dramatically different than the others. I recommend that vows are between two to five minutes," Peterson advises.

    22. Is this more appropriate for my vows, a wedding date letter or a thank you speech?

    "Sometimes we have ideas for things we want to say on our wedding day, but your vows aren't always the best channel for that material. If the information is too detailed or personal, put it in a private letter for your fiance to read. If you want to thank people or talk about wedding planning, communicate this in a thank you speech that you'll recite during the reception," Peterson encourages. It's always good to edit yourself and reflect on whether your wedding vows are suitable for the time and your audience.

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