Here's What You Should Know About Giving Single People Plus-Ones
You've heard it before—the quickest way to cut down your budget is to slash your guest list. Obviously, such a difficult task is easier said than done.
Maybe you're thinking the first place you can start is by eliminating some plus-ones and refraining from allowing certain people to bring one. Single family and friends don't need "and guest" on their invitations, right? Or should you allow all wedding guests to bring a date out of courtesy?
Of course, this is an age-old debate. It's definitely gracious to allow single guests to bring a date so they don't feel awkward or left out. But here's the thing—if you can't afford the extra guests, it'd be worse to cut other people that you actually know from your guest list instead.
Here's our advice: Deal with this problem on a case-by-case basis. You shoudn't necessarily abide by the "no ring, no bring" rule, so use your best judgment while deciding if someone should get one. According to our comprehensive plus one guide, all members of the wedding party should get one. If you have unmarried friends and relatives in long-term relationships, you should invite their partners (even if they're not married, they're committed). Coming from an etiquette standpoint, any "VIP" single people who won't know many people at the wedding will probably feel awkward without one, so they should be allowed to bring someone also.
In the case a single friend or relative doesn't fall into any of the categories above, feel free to invite them without dates.
And if anyone complains, simply explain your dilemma—it was important to you that they be there, but that you couldn't afford to give them a plus-one. You'll be able to stay under budget, and they'll still get to have an awesome time at your wedding.