Yeah, You Want to Avoid These "Bad Luck" Gifts for Relationships

Superstitious or not, avoid these gifts.
Graphic of bad luck gifts
Credit: Falak Khoja
Hayley Folk
Hayley Folk
Hayley Folk
Hayley Folk
The Knot Contributor
  • Hayley writes articles on a freelance basis for The Knot Worldwide, with a specialty in sex and relationships.
  • Her work has appeared in The Knot, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29 and more.
  • Prior to The Knot Worldwide, Hayley was a full-time editor at a business publication.
Updated Jul 29, 2024

Folklore, back in my day, once upon a time. For generations, different cultures (and stories repeated over time) have left us all with certain belief systems around bad luck—including what we should or should not gift newlywed couples and even our own partners. Whether you're a superstitious person, or you grew up with certain beliefs, you might wonder: what are some bad luck gifts for relationships to avoid at all costs?

"We've all heard of horror stories or rumors where someone gives a bad luck gift to a couple and their marriage falls apart soon after," wedding planner and strategist Carissa Kruse says. "These tales can create fear and anxiety in people, leading them to avoid giving certain gifts for fear of causing harm."

Tale or not, it's natural to be cautious about gifting couples or your partner a gift that could potentially be bad luck. Are knives bad luck as a wedding gift? What about the old saying that gifting shoes is bad luck? Whether you're just curious, or looking to follow your heritage of Chinese bad luck gifts to avoid, we break down what you shouldn't buy for the happy couple, below.

Is It Bad Luck to Gift a Knife?

First up: Is it bad luck to gift a knife? Dating back to Japanese folklore, it is believed that gifting a couple or partner a knife is a choice to terminate the bond of love. According to Japanese culture, a knife is given as a symbolic "severing" ties. The best wedding gifts shouldn't usually symbolize that.

Is it bad luck? Well, maybe not, especially if a couple has included knives on their wedding registry. If the couple hasn't registered for knives, it may be best to avoid them just in case. Whether you believe it or not, you don't want to give the impression that you're severing their love. If you're looking to gift something useful, Kruse adds, you might opt for traditional wedding gifts like a set of fine china or a kitchen appliance that is both thoughtful and practical.

Is It Bad Luck to Gift Shoes?

What about giving the gift of shoes? The idea that gifting shoes is bad luck came from a superstition that if you give shoes as a present, it signifies that the receiver will walk away from you. That means, if you were to gift your partner or a happy couple shoes, it could be the thing that starts the walk (if you believe in that sort of thing.)

On the contrary, though, there is another superstition which says that if you never gift anyone a pair of shoes, you'll be doomed to go shoeless in the afterlife. So the odds aren't exactly even. Therefore, if you think your partner would like a pair of shoes as a gift, go for it.

Is It Bad Luck to Gift Perfume?

Scent lovers, you might naturally think that gifting a romantic interest or newlywed couple to be a sweet and thoughtful gift. But wait: Is gifting perfume bad luck? It depends on the culture you ask. According to Indian superstition, giving perfume is bad luck. But the Greeks say that if you do give perfume, that the receiver will give coins to the giver, to ward off bad luck. On the opposite side, in Chinese tradition, it is believed that gifting perfume can cause a breakup by attracting other people.

If your partner is a perfume junkie, or you know the new couple would love something lovely, stick to giving them a giftcard to buy their own, instead.

Is It Bad Luck to Gift a Watch?

Only time will tell. In some superstitious circles, it is believed that giving a watch to a lover is bad luck because it's a countdown to the time you have left together. However, in many other cultures, it's actually a positive gift that signals success, prosperity and abundance. Do what you will with that information.

Is It Bad Luck to Gift Pearls?

As for pearls, many cultures think it's not such bad luck after all. "In Chinese culture, pearls represent feminine grace, sophistication and innocence," Kruse explains, "In contrast, ancient Greeks saw pearls as a symbol of marital harmony: brides often wore pearl-studded wedding attire."

In fact, many folks are gifted pearls to wear on their wedding day, for good luck, and pearls are the traditional three-year anniversary gift gemstone, the modern 12-year anniversary gift and the traditional 30-year anniversary gift. So if you're considering giving a pearl anniversary gift, or even giving a bride pearls to wear, you should have no worries of bad luck striking.

Is It Bad Luck to Gift a Candle?

We love a good candle as much as the next person. Of the gifts that bring bad luck, we think you're safe to gift one.

According to some cultures, a candle can be a symbol that you are burning the relationship you have, but on the contrary, many cultures also believe that candles can be a reminder of light and love—which is what you want to convey when giving a gift to your partner or a newlywed couple.

Is It Bad Luck to Gift Gloves?

Next up: Is it bad luck to give gloves as a gift? Well, yes and no. Dating back to Medieval times, when Knights wore a lady's glove in their helmets, it was thought that if you gave someone gloves, you'd fight and the relationship would end. However, if you gifted a pair of gloves, you could rid yourself of the bad luck, if you also received something in return. But it's never great to expect something in return when giving a gift—so maybe skip this one.

Is It Bad Luck to Gift Scissors?

"In Japanese and European cultures, it is thought that giving scissors or knives signifies cutting off the relationship," Kruse says. With that in mind, however, if the giver receives something small (like a coin or bill) then it is considered a transaction and the bad luck will go away. Or so they say.

Is It Bad Luck to Gift a Mirror?

We've all heard superstitions about mirrors, like if you break a mirror, you'll have bad sex for seven years. But Is giving a mirror as a gift bad luck, too? Dating back to the ancient Romans, it was believed that mirrors held the reflection of the soul, and if you gave one as a gift (especially an old, antique one) then you may be gifting the previous owner's energy—and that may not always be good.

As far as wedding superstitions go, it's probably best not to add a ghostly energy to the party. Instead, try following Kruse's advice: give a gift that symbolizes good luck and blessings, like a lucky bamboo plant or even a horseshoe decor piece can bring positive energy to the happy couple's home.

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